vendredi 30 novembre 2007

Back in France

As promised to Keywan, I will write this in english.
So I'm back in France now and although I'm happy to see my family again, I already miss England and the crazy people I met there.
But let me tell you my last day which wasn't exactly normal because it was me and thus something had to happen :
This morning, I finished packing the few things I still had to pack before going downstairs to have breakfast. I entered the dinig room and joined a couple of people of the manor.
Then I had a discussion with Marta which is worth being written :
Marta : So, when are you leaving ?
Me : At 9h15 if the taxi doesn't forget me (I had called the day before to book a taxi).
Marta : Oh, it won't forget you !
Me : Could be. With me everything is possible.
Then it was time to go outside and wait for the taxi. Henrique, Richard and Keywan helped me with my bags and Richard and Keywan stayed with me to wait for the taxi.
9h15, 9h16, 9h17, 9h18, 9h19 and still no taxi.
K : Did you say front door or back door ?
M : I didn't precise...
Richard thus run to the front door but no taxi there.
K : Did you say 9.15am or pm ?
M : Oups, I didn't precise...
K : Maybe you should call to check.
As I aws afraid of not speaking good enough to explain everything, Richard took the phone and called... And it appeared that no taxi was coming to pick me up !
Richard asked for another one and at around 9.43 I was in Harpenden's station, ouf !
I bought my ticket, walked a few steps... And faceed my worst nightmare : stairs !
Come on Gwen, you can handle it, courage ! I grabed my bags (one was broken so I couldn't carry it on my shoulder) and went to middle-stairs where I took a little break before finishing these horrible stairs.
I walked a little before being again confronted to stairs but this time, I heard a (so pleasant) voice saying : may I help you ?
The man was wearing a short-sleeved shirt whereas I aws wearing a big pull-over, a coat and a scarf... He was english... But this didn't prevent him from carrying my luggage for what I'll be grateful forever.
I caught the train and arrived in London where I was again helped (I love english men ;)) to carry my bags in the stairs and I finally reached Saint Pancras.
Then no problem until Paris where my mother was waiting for me with a very (very) good croissant !
Here was my last adventure !
Another good news, the date of my second placement has again been changed and I eventually start the 10th ! Thus I have a good week of holidays which I am already enjoying.
For every people from Harpenden who would read this message, I miss you and I hope we'll keep in touch and will see each other again. I had a very good time with you all and, who knows, may be one day you'll see me coming down the street carrying my bags (or having found someone to help me carrying them) with a huge smile on my face.
All the best and big kisses and hugs for you all !
Pour mes amis français qui n'auraient pas lu tout le message anglais ou qui auraient été découragés par le nombre trop important de fautes ou qui l'auraient lu mais n'auraient rien compris (ce n'est pas grave Guillemette, ça arrive aux meilleurs), l'important à retenir est que je suis bien rentrée en France même si mon taxi m'avait oubliée (en même temps il fallait bien qu'il m'arrive quelque chose) et que la date de mon stage a été rétablie au 10 décembre. Du coup le stage va être rapide ! Seulement dix jours en décembre puis je rentre pour Noël jusqu'au réveillon après quoi la date de reprise n'est pas encore précisée : ça devait être le 7 mais vu le dernier changement de date, je pense que je reprendrai le 3.
Je ne sais pas ce qui va advenir de ce blog, si je continuerai ou non à le mettre à jour. Tout dépendra de la façon dont s'organise le prochain stage, sachant que je n'aurai pas internet chez ma grand-mère et ne sais pas encore si j'aurai beaucoup de temps libre au bureau.
Quoiqu'il en soit, merci beaucoup pour vos commentaires sur le blog et vos mails, les discussion msn puis maintenant facebook (le progrès !) en-dehors.
A très bientôt en vrai pour certains et de toute façon sur internet pour les autres !
Gros bisous.
Gwenaëlle 0:-*

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Hej hej !
I've read all your message in english and I understood everything (I'm so good in english !). Have a good week of holydays ! And see you soon...
Hej då

Anonyme a dit…

Hourra ! sans lire au mot à mot, j'ai compris l'ensemble de tes péripéties, confirmé par ton résumé français. Je ne savais pas que croissant se disait croissant ; il faut dire que c'est typiquement french.
J'espère bien, comme tous tes fans, que tu vas continuer en France mais de toutes façons nous regretterons les petites bêtes dont tu t'occupais avec tant d'amour que nous étions aussi intéressés.
Bonne rentrée. J'ai vu que tu parlais encore bien français au téléphone.
Véronique A.

Anonyme a dit…

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Fragmentadora de Papel, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.